Double Handsome Dragons
Double Handsome Dragons are a semi-instrumental band from Peterborough, UK. They are four young males: Phil Mitchell (guitar), Dan Kerr (guitar), James Mitchell (drums), and Simon Moore (bass). Fred Nolan from The Silent Ballet describes their music; “Extended clips from old movies, campy sci-fi film trailers, and infamous political speeches share real estate with savage guitar riffs, concussive rhythm sections, and space-madness electronica. The track list steadily courses with more and more adrenaline, each successive cut delivering a better dose than the last. Hard rock, alt-metal, hip hop, and straight-up indie rock all make cameo appearances here, while the old soundbites do nearly all of the talking.”
They describe their making music process like this: “We create at night in a decaying unit of breeze blocks. We drink tea out of dirty mugs and wish that our hands were warmer. We have to fight daily with potted plants and lawnmowers to get to our instruments. Sometimes they attack us. We have scars. We have a sledgehammer - we smash up old washing machines. The skip is not our friend. We play four different kinds of music at the same time using instruments we do not care for. We made a Studio, we named it Studio Terror. It is yellow. We are safe and warm there. We like to travel to faraway lands to play shows for decent, handsome people. We dance. We enjoy shouting in people’s faces.”