Track List
1 - Bell
2 - Snow Storm
3 - (The Triumph Of The) Flight Of The Last Bird On Earth
4 - A Sudden Lapse Of Joy
5 - The Moment Our Glances Almost Met
6 - Echoes Of Our Memories
7 - Life And Death Of A Spoken Word
8 - We Are Running Out Of Time
9 - When Light And Motion Collide
Gargle & Bosques De Mi Mente - Absence
Bosques de mi Mente is a Spanish contemporary classical composer, that has been creating minimalist piano pieces over the years. Gargle is a duo from Japan that plays beautiful post-rock ambient with modern classical influences. Absence is their first collaboration from these two artists, a delightful and pleasant record.
It all started when the band contacted the composer, a correspondence that would result in a true friendship. Both shared stage in Madrid, Spain, in 2011.
Absence, the album, was conceived when Gargle asked Bosques de mi Mente to work on a song together for the forthcoming Gargle's album. The experience was so fulfilling for them that they decided to expand on it, and so Absence was born.
From the beginning, the goal was to create a completely collaborative album. The process started by sharing small ideas and song pieces, and soon everything started to gall into place, leading to the three of them working together as a true three-piece band in a gradual and natural way. The result is pure harmony, beauty and a wing for atmosphere, space and time.
Bosques De Mi Mente's pianos are like little paper ships floating over the water. String players from Tokyo College of Music, conducted by Jun gives the album a great symphonic dimension. Gargle's guitars and accordions gets the music over the stratosphere. Hope to see these modern classical pieces turn into modern classics.
Release Date: November 1, 2013
© Fluttery Records