Track List
1 - Thunder
2 - Intoxicate Me
3 - Unwritten
4 - Dragonfly
Liminal Digs - Dragonfly
Liminal Digs is the name of the collaboration between indie singer-songwriter and vocalist, Mama Crow, and producer, Daniel Lofredo Rota. Dragonfly is Liminal Digs' first release. Its a short EP of collaborative songs which were recorded in a series of 3 hour recording sessions. The album is effusive and emotional, and also sublime and filled with lessons and wisdom. Mama Crow's lyrics are imbued with a sense of virtue in the face of adversity, and they are carefully woven into a backdrop of spacious atmospheres and meticulous detail. The album is full of light, and is a sort of mantra for a spiritual restoration; a release of past burdens. It rings true and delicate and speaks elegantly to the beautiful adversity that makes life such an incredible and challenging adventure.
Mama Crow and Daniel Lofredo Rota began collaborating in late 2013 after a brief chance meeting at an Oakland coffeeshop. They planned a series of recording sessions, and, after the first 3 hours, had created their first track, "Unwritten." This piece of music is a fusion between Lofredo Rota's Andean roots, and cinematic tendencies, and Mama Crow's lyrical versatility, her love of harmonies, and her deep flowing lyrics. The Track is a mantra of hope and recovery and feels like a melancholic bird's eye view of a past now gone, and would set the tone for the rest of the EP.
A deep genuine melancholy resides in their sound. it evokes the nostalgia and deep emotion of the sensitive soul infused with a sublime love of life, and true appreciation of the beauty of existence. This is at the core of this release. Genuine appreciation, beauty and poetry, space and sound, love. In a display of experimental fusion, acoustics, Latin-Folk and Haunting Indie-Alternative; this mini-album is an expression of triumph; finding and holding onto self-love in a world which can be very cold at times. This collection of music was created out of pure authenticity and in-the-moment writing. There is nothing contrived here. Dragonfly is profoundly honest compilation that speaks clearly to the soul.
Release Date: May 21, 2014
© Fluttery Records