Code I is a one man post-rock & post-metal project from Nottingham, England. Code I combines elegant ambient sequences within his work; creating beautiful soundscapes and cerebral melodies that are only halted by the barrage of his rock and metal roots.
‘Although We May Fall’ takes you on a journey of optimism, and suspense whilst still maintaining the power and force seen in his earlier album ‘A Deep Red’. ‘Although We May Fall’ was originally inspired by the ever growing discoveries of our solar system. New worlds and plains of existence have been a major factor in this EP’s conception and progression and this is reflected in songs such as ‘There is a Separate Path’ and ‘Return of the Black Star’.
‘Although We May Fall’ is indeed a true post rock album lending to Code I’s earlier works. Combining heavy hard hitting riffs and melancholic atmospheres which will in no doubt, please the ears of any die hard post rock fan.